One Egg Per Child Project
The World Health Organization in a recent report estimates that there are 178 million malnourished children across the globe, and at any given moment, 20 million of these are suffering from the most severe form of malnutrition. Malnutrition contributes between 3.5 and 5 million annual deaths among under-five year old children.
UNICEF estimates about 195 million children suffering from malnutrition across the globe. This consequently affects the intelligence level of children, their behavior and school performance. The impaired mental and cognitive development is taken as the most serious long-term handicap associated with under five malnutrition. In Sub-Saharan Africa, 41% of under-five children are malnourished and deaths from malnutrition are increasing on daily basis in the region.
In Uganda, malnutrition remains a serious health and welfare problem affecting the under-five year old children leading to a significant increase in mortality and morbidity.
According to Uganda Demographic and Health Survey of 2011, four in ten Ugandan children under-five years of age (33%) are stunted (short for their age), six percent are wasted (thin for their height), and 14 percent are underweight (low weight for age). In the area where we operate, carbohydrates and vitamins are relatively easy to access; however, proteins are lacking.
The distribution of chicken layers will guarantee a stable supply of proteins for the children. We intend to grow the scheme into a chicken lending system.
The project aimed at serving families with children under 5 years old. Their mental and physical development is dependent on adequate balanced nutrition over their first years of life
In the villages of Kakore and Nangara we reached 129 families for a total of 239 children
Kakore, Uganda | December 2016